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I graduated in December 2012 with my EDS in administration from Austin Peay State University. My hobbies include swing dancing, bicycling, golfing,hiking, and gardening just to name a few. My favorite television shows include The Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, Stargate SG1, and That 70's Show. My favorite movies are Blast From the Past, the Mummy Trilogy, Star Wars, and Elf. I have a strong passion for what I do and I have certainly found my calling. I am the sponsor for the West Creek Middle School Geobee, History Club, and I am also the sponsor for the trip to Disney World in June. If you have any questions about the above activities please email me and let me know.
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Please bring a single subject notebook and coloring pencils to class each day.

Google Classroom codes will be provided in class.

I only have one classroom rule: Do the right thing.

Students are expected to do the right thing throughout the day. This is something that can help students be successful in school and in many other areas of life.