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Supplies needed for MATH:
Pencils (Mechanical preferred & no pens allowed)
Graph Paper
Earbuds (no wireless)
**Students will need to bring their math notebook every day.
***It is the student's responsibility to maintain supplies. Teachers do not keep enough additional supplies, such as pencils, paper, etc to provide students throughout the year.
The expectations in our classroom are for every student’s safety and benefit. In order for everyone to learn, we must maintain a focused and respectful environment. To do this, I have four “non-negotiables” that every student is expected to abide by:
1.Respect our time together. Be attentive and focused so that everyone can learn.
2.Laptops are put away unless the teacher instructs otherwise or given permission.
3.Be respectful of yourself and others. Keep your hands, feet, and all objects to yourself.
4.Be prepared every day by doing the following:
- Bring a pencil & math notebook
- Check the board when entering the room. Daily expectations/work is posted here.
- Keep up with your grade by checking PowerSchool.
- Try your best!
*Cell phones & Airpods are not allowed in class, hallways, or other areas within KiMS during school hours. Phones are expected to be turned off and placed in your personal belongings at the beginning of the day.
Remind App and Google Classroom Information for the school year 2022 - 2023
Remind App: Choose the appropriate class based on your student's schedule.
8th Math (General) -
Algebra 1 -
Google Classroom Codes: Please email the teacher.