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Hello! Welcome to Kirkwood Middle School...home of the Cobras! I am so excited that you are here to share this year with me. I believe that a quality education sets a strong foundation for students to become career and college ready. It is my responsibility to help students learn to love learning! It is also my goal to not only portray the values of education into a fundamental and creative learning process, but to also build students so that they have the desire to learn, achieve, and grow into productive members of our school community. I look forward to working with you for a productive and successful year!
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Be sure to follow Mrs. Jones Offshore Adventures by following her Google Classroom, class code hvqz7oa and by logging into live feeds through Nautilus Live-Ocean Exploration Trust. Click onto

Please come to class with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn!  Our classroom time is limited so it is incredibly important that you enter the room prepared with your materials and are ready to go to work!  In our room we follow the TEAM model, we support each other and lift each other because TOGETHER we are better!  TITAN UP!!