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I am delighted to have the opportunity to be your child's math or science teacher for this academic year. I am also thrilled to be a part of the wonderful learning community here at Kirkwood Middle School. Outside the classroom, I enjoy spending time with my husband, two incredible sons, and our sweet goldendoodle. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Education, with a specialization in grades K-6 from Austin Peay State University. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of teaching various grade levels, and each experience has enriched my understanding of the unique needs and potentials of every child. I am committed to creating a positive and enriching classroom environment where every student can thrive. I firmly believe that a successful learning experience is built on the foundation of a strong partnership between school and home, and I am always available to address any questions or concerns you may have throughout the year.
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Our Math classroom supply list:
- #2 pencils
- highlighters
- black dry erase markers & eraser
- red pen
- 1" - 1.5" white binder
- one 3 hold plastic folder
- notebook
- scissors
- wired earbuds

Our Science classroom supply list:
- #2 pencils
- highlighters
- black dry erase markers & eraser
- composition notebook
- one plastic folder
- scissors
- clear tape
- colored pencils
- wired earbuds

  • Be responsible.
  • Be respectful.
  • Be engaged.
  • Be positive.
  • Be kind. 

Always remember you are a COBRA and to follow our school expectations:

F – Foster a Growth Mindset

A – Act with Accountability

N – Never compromise Integrity

G – Give Encouragement

S – Support one another